Anne Cumming
Lawyer, she/her/hers
Doina Benea 416.969.3512

Anne Cumming is an experienced litigator whose work spans many areas of employment law and labour relations, including advocating for workers in wrongful dismissal and constructive dismissal cases.
Her casework in the public, construction, transit and police sectors involves representing the interest of employees in workplace investigations, human rights cases, occupational health and safety concerns, and job protection.
Anne has acted for clients in employment standards disputes, in coroner’s inquests and in labour arbitrations. She has appeared at the Ontario Labour Relations Board, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal, Grievance Settlement Board, Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, Federal Court and Ontario Police Arbitration Commission.
Anne obtained her law degree, as well as a PhD in Philosophy, from the University of Toronto. She also holds certificates from the Rotman School of Management’s Not-for-Profit Governance and Governance, Risk, and Financial Literacy programs and has been an instructor in labour relations at George Brown College. Anne is a member of the Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers and the Canadian Bar Association.
Decisions of Interest
McWilliam v. Toronto Police Services Board (2020) HRTO 574 (CanLII)
- A five year-long-case in which Anne, representing a Toronto Police Services constable, successfully showed that her client had been subject to sexual harassment by workplace colleagues and that her client’s complaints had been ignored by her employer.
Toronto Police Services Board v. Toronto Police Association (2014) CanLII 50009 (ON LA)
- An Ontario Labour Arbitration case in which Anne successfully represented two police officers who were awarded back pay after their convictions for a criminal offence had been overturned on appeal.
Toronto (City) v. Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 79 CanLII 77649
- Anne successfully argued for the reinstatement of a union member whose termination was grounded on wholly circumstantial evidence.